Amy Attaway M.D.
Mentors: Dasarathy Srinivasan M.D (Cleveland Clinic).
Project: Study of intermittent hypoxia-mediated O-GlcNAcylation dysregulates skeletal muscle proteostasis and mitochondrial function in cellular and murine models
Email Address: [email protected]

Anabel Alvarenga Ph.D.,
Mentors: Ronad L. Schnaar Ph.D. and Jean Kim M.D. (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine).
Project: Siglec-8 ligand expression in healthy and diseased patients
Email Address: [email protected]

Anny Mulya, PhD.
Mentors: Serpil C. Erzurum M.D. and Vince Hascall Ph.D. (Cleveland Clinic)
Project: Study of Fuel Bioenergetics Pathway on Hyaluronan Synthesis in Asthma
Email address: [email protected]

Kyriakos Papanicolaou Ph.D.,
Mentors: Natasha Zachara Ph.D., and Brian O’Rourke Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine).
Project: Investigating the role of protein O-GlcNAcylation in experimental heart failure.
Email Address: [email protected]

Priya Umapathi M.D.,
Mentors: Gerald Hart Ph.D. and Mark Anderson M.D.-Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine).
Project: Excessive O-GlcNAcylation a fundamental mechanism for cardiomyopathy.
Email Address: [email protected]

Yan Wang M.D.,-Ph.D.,
Mentors: Vincent C. Hascall Ph.D. and Edward V. Maytin M.D.,-Ph.D. (Cleveland Clinic).
Project: Delineation of the role of hyaluronan in regulating fibroblast function in normal and diabetic skin wound healing.
Email Address: [email protected]
Trainee Emeritus
Amina Abbadi Ph.D.,
Mentors: Vincent C. Hascall Ph.D. and Mark Aronica M.D. (Cleveland Clinic).
Project: Hyaluronan function in adipogenesis and metabolism.
Samuel Merrill M.D.,-Ph.D.
Mentors: Ronald Schnaar Ph.D. and Robert Brodsky M.D. (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine).
Project: The role of complement in sickle cell disease and hyperhemolysis.
Email Address:
Angelica Maciel Gomes Ueltschy Ph.D.,
Mentors: Vincent C. Hascall Ph.D. and George Muschler M.D. (Cleveland Clinic).
Project: The role of Intracellular hyaluronan and TSG-6 in monocyte/macrophage biology and differentiation under a hyperglycemic stress.
Nicole Welch, M.D.,
Mentors: Vincent C. Hascall Ph.D. and Dasarathy Srinivasan M.D. (Cleveland Clinic).
Project: Study of Hyaluronan in endotoxin mediated dysregulation of skeletal muscle proteostasis during ethanol exposure.